The staff and Subjects Taught: Below is a list of staff who worked at Braehead. This will be their story of what the Braehead experience meant to them, then and now.
I am keen to get in touch with any of the staff below... so, if you know where any are, get in touch. If you were a teacher and would like to share your memories or have any resources or archive material that you would be willing to share then please e-mail me.
Your name on the list? Not on the list? Got an e-mail address? Can you update any information? Then send an e-mail to update the list below.
Underlined Staff Name = Interview completed 2001/2002/2003
(BN) = Interview by the Braehead News Team (originally printed in Braehead News)
This above list was last updated on Monday, August 06, 2012 If you know of any corrections or additions then please e-mail me. Many thanks to all, who have helped put together the above list.