help needed
Send an e-mail - press here . . .
rf mackenzie web site
hamish brown web site

Help needed to complete the puzzle:

Can you help in finding something or someone from the list below?
Then e-mail your information now!

This area can be used by anyone, when looking for information.

Send any information or requests by e-mail and they will appear by magic here!

Who or What...

Why ...



GW Harvey

I worked for a number of years as a photographer with
GW Harvey, Photographer based in Leven. Now, I am putting together some pages on the web site made up of photographs I took at that time within the darkrooms, studios etc.,. I will also be trying to put together some information about Mr Harvey. What I am looking for is anyone who's parents had their wedding photographs taken by Mr Harvey. Or, former pupils who had their wedding photographs taken by Mr Harvey. Or anyone that has any photographs taken by Harvey's, which maybe be children, pets, press photographs and any other photographs taken by Harvey's. Once again get into those old albums and boxes of photographs and get in touch if you have anything that would be of interest to me.

Steam Trains
New page added)

I am looking for anyone that may have some photo's of steam trains in and around the Buckhaven area. Also any pics of Buckhaven station or other stations in the area.

Methil Docks
New page added)

Like loads of other folks I spent many days wandering around the Docks and fished there from time to time.
I am looking for any photo's of the docks, ships etc., Again I spent time on top of the technical school in the observation hut watching the ships come and go from the docks. Any pics or info would be appreciated.

Typing of material

send an e-mail if you want to volunteer to type...

I now have a whole load of newspaper articles to type for inclusion on the web site. There are so many that it will take me on my own a very, very, very long time to type. Therefore if you wish to help in a small way to get information up on the site at an early date, why not volunteer to do a little typing for the site. If you only type one article, then that will be a bonus for the site. If you can't type, don't worry you don't have to. Just a willingness to help is all that is needed. Get in touch by e-mail if you want more information.

Reel to Reel Recorder
(I have now bought a reel to reel recoder through e-bay)

I have in my possession a number of reel to reel tapes that I recorded various items on over the years back in the 60's and early 70's. I do not now have a reel to reel recorder and am hoping that someone may have one put away in a corner of a room or wardrobe! If you do please get in touch (e-mail), all I require is a loan of a machine for a short time to allow me to copy over these tapes onto mini-disc and to then move them into digital form. Speed required 3.75 and 1.375 inches / second. Thanks Jim.

Reel to Reel Recordings
or cassette recordings
(end August 2002)

I am on the look out for anybody with any reel to reel tapes that they may have in their possession that contain any sound material from Braehead School. Or, any material that you may have recorded from the 60's and 70's.
Again get in touch by e-mail if you can help. Jim

House colours
(August 2002)

The school was split into 4 houses, the Wellesley, Frances, Cameron and Michael (names of four local collieries). But what I want to know is what were the colours given to these houses?

Jan Morrissey (30/08/02) sent me the following, thanks:

I was in Wellesley - Green
I think Frances was - Blue
Michael was - Red
Randolph - not Cameron was Yellow
Jan Morrissey (Howie)

More details about the house colours and names has come to light and this text is taken from the minutes of the School Council written on 24/10/57:

The Council decided that the names of the Houses should be Wellesley, Michael, Francis and Cameron.

and on 12/11/57 the Council decided on the colours as:

The colours of the houses are to be

Red for Wellesley
Green for Michael
Blue for Frances
and Yellow for Cameron

Now there would appear to be a disagreement on what folks remember and the School Council Minute. Did things change in regard to the House colours and names?

The School Badge
(copy of badge now found, thanks to Wilma Purdie)

Yes, I am looking for our very own
Braehead School Badge. If you have one tucked away in a drawer or on that old school blazer, or on the old school scarf, then get in touch by e-mail.

The School Song
(a version has just arrived)

I am told that there was a 'School Song', if you know the words and what tune it was sung to we would love to have them up here on the site. e-mail details.

Dave McKean
(now interviewed)

'Wee Pud' - The creator of this series is Dave McKean. This cartoon character was first seen in the Braehead News, issue number 144, printed on the 17/09/64.

Susan Blues (Allan)
looking for classmates from Class 1C/3C 1964/68


Year 1964 To 1968 Class 1C/3C

Susan Blues is looking for any classmates from her year at Braehead. e-mail her on:

Barbara Thomson,Marion Thomson,Margaret Moodie, Linda Salmond, Ann Campbell, Janette Shields, Anne Coventry, Sandra Anderson, Anne Pattie, Marion Bell, Lorraine Doig, Jean King, Ann Allan, Anne Allen, Margaret Kiddie, Brenda Grey and Jean Carr.

The Mackenzie Family
(contact now made)
First visit and interview completed July 2002

Looking to contact the Mackenzie family to access some photographs and diary notes from the Braehead days.

* Keep an eye on the New
'News Flash' are or 'What's New'
on the web site for further updates.

Peter Murphy
(contact now made)
First visit and interview completed July 2002

Taught with RF. Mackenzie in Summerhill and author of 'The Life of RF. Mackenzie'. Would like to interview Peter in regard to his book (now out of print, shame) and his thoughts on RF. and his philosophy.

Dr Bob Bell

Dr Bob Bell, formerly a lecturer in the Open University. He did two OU tapes called 'Braehead', and these contained interviews with Mr. Mackenzie, and various education officials.

Irene Dunn

Who is Irene Dunn? She wrote an article for a magazine about RF. Mackenzie and Braehead on the leaving of RF. Mackenzie for Aberdeen.
'Braehead school has been widely publicised and now that its head teacher, Mr. Mackenzie has left for Aberdeen, we feel some assessment of his achievements should be made.'

Photographs / slides

I am looking for any photographs/slides or negatives that were taken at the time of 'Braehead'. Especially of the school the staff and pupils, also photographs from trips or visits to Rannoch or Inverlair.

Anything from the
Braehead days

I am looking for anything from the 'Braehead' days, the school badge, braehead news's, any material produced from the school, report cards, exam results etc., etc.,

Newspaper/Magazine articles

I am looking for any newspaper or magazine articles from that time that would shed some light on what was happening then. I am aware that people have been writing articles about Braehead or RF. Mackenzie in recent years and copies of those would be useful too.

Buckhaven Technical College
Ian Lamb
has been in touch who was Youth Worker based at the Tech College.

Since the Tech College shared the same campus and a lot of former pupils must have attended. I thought it would be great to have some photo's of the Tech building. If you have any or know anyone who may have any photo's then please, please see if they can be loaned for use on this website. Thanks. e-mail information as normal.

Radio Scotland 242
Pirate Radio Ship
Have found one or two recordings from the Comet that will appear on the web site in the future.

I remember well Radio Scotland and its broadcasts from the Comet out by the Bass Rock. I am looking for any photo's or recordings from the ship.
Or any of the 242 magazines or any other material to do with Radio Scotland.
I know its a long shot but if you don't ask you never get!

The image below was taken in 1974 and shows members of Buckhaven Boys Club
taking part in "On Stage" organised by the Fife Union of Youth Clubs.
Can you shed light on who the people are in this photograph?
Were you the 'Super Scots'?
Super Scots 1975 - Were you a super scot?
This photo was originally published in the Scottish Association of
Youth Clubs Fortieth Annual Report 1974 - 75.

The text says:
 "On Stage" in its junior and senior sections, brought to light a number of talented individual musicians and groups.

Thanks to Ian Wightman for the information below in regard to the photo above.

The photograph above I think was taken in late 73 or perhaps early 74. I am sure that
this was taken before the summer 1974 intake of pupils at Kirkland High School.

The photograph was taken at the "YM" in Kirkcaldy, the one that looks (or looked) on to
the seafront. I have no idea if its still there. All of the guys in the gym tee shirts and
the Superscots were from Buckhaven Boys Club at Denbeath School.

Lone guitarist and singer I think didn't win, but I think the five piece at the back did win and
if I remember correctly they were from the Kirkcaldy YM (near the hospital).

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